Flood Modelling & Real-Time Operational Decision Support Solutions for Water & Wastewater Systems (Parts I & II)

Event Details

The webinar will be in two parts (I & II) that will help participants to see how to model and analyze flood water data to help manage and prevent flooding disasters using current technologies. Knowledge gained from the webinar will enable participants to:-

  • Use fully spatially distributed numerical models to simulate all hydrological and hydraulic processes that occur in river basins, including rainfall, infiltration, surface runoff, channel flow, and groundwater flow
  • Simulate surface and storm water flow in urban areas
  • Simulate flooding in coastal areas due to storm surges.
  • Assess flood risks for urban, riverine, and coastal systems with real-world digital context in the form of a 3D reality mesh.
  • Bring your simulations to life by generating realistic visualizations of flood events helping stakeholders understand the risks and impacts of flooding events and potential mitigation actions
  • Learn how combining hydraulic model results and live SCADA and telemetry data provides alerts for network anomalies, including overflows and backups.
  • Use a network model to test variations in operational strategy, tactics, and emergency protocols in a risk-free way. Identify safe, effective options to address pipe bursts, power outages, fires, and other urgent events.
location map